Personal Data Protection and Information Notice

Argefon Bilişim ve Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. (JOKER OFİS)  processes and shares with authorized third parties certain personal data with respect to your accommodation under the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for the aim of providing services and goods, fulfilling our legal obligations and your requests, enabling your security through security camera recordings, protecting your health, and gaining a better understanding of and evaluating your suggestions within the scope of office management and our agreement.

Personal Data (“KVKK”) published in the Official Gazette dated April 7, 2016, No. 29677, and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles to be Followed in Fulfilling the Obligation to Inform dated March 10, 2018, and published in the Official Gazette No. 30356, we intend to inform you about your personal data processed by our company,

  1. 1-Identity of the Data Controller

As a “Data Controller” within the scope of the KVKK and related regulations, you can reach us through the contact information provided below.

NameArgefon Bilişim ve Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. (Joker Ofis)
AdressAli Nihat Tarlan Cad. Süleyman Başkan İş Merkezi, No:84/12, Kat:8, 34752, İçerenköy, Ataşehir, İstanbul
Phone Number0850 724 00 40
Faks0850 724 00 35
  1. 2-Processed Personal Data

In the context of your relationship with Argefon Bilişim ve Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. (Joker Ofis), the following personal data are processed:

(I) Identity Information: full name, identity card, identity number, tax identification number;

(II) Contact Information: business address, staff information, email, phone, mobile phone,

(III) Payment and Financial Information: collection risk, notification of goods information,

(IV) Data Related to the Security of Our Company’s Premises: CCTV records, visitor records, entry and exit records to stations;

(V) Vehicle Information: license plate number;

(VI) Customer Tracking Information: customer number, customer

transaction information;

(VII) Visual and Audio Recording Data: audio recordings,

  1. 3-Purposes of Processing Personal Data

Your personal data obtained within the scope of your relationship with JOKER OFIS is processed for the following purposes:

  • ●Pursuing and executing legal affairs,
  • ●Uploading customer information into the system for the purpose of conducting archive activities,
  • ●Conducting financial and accounting affairs,
  • ●Conducting advertising/campaign/promotion processes,
  • ●Executing contract processes,
  • ●Preparing Monthly Withholding Tax Declarations,
  • ●Conducting the process of tracking requests and complaints,
  • ●Preparing power of attorney on behalf of third parties (lawyers, company personnel, financial consultants, environmental consultants)
  • ●Ensuring the security of movable assets and resources,
  • ●Conducting activities in compliance with legislation,
  • ●Conducting the wage policy,
  • ●Conducting marketing processes for products/services, • Conducting the process of purchasing goods/services, • Conducting the process of selling goods/services,
  • ●Conducting marketing and analysis studies,
  • ●Providing physical space security,
  • ●Conducting logistics activities,
  • ●Conducting strategic planning activities,
  1. 4-Transfer of Processed Personal Data

In accordance with the provisions of the Law regarding the transfer and cross-border transfer of personal data, your personal data may be transferred to domestic official institutions and organizations, law enforcement authorities, courts and enforcement offices, related third- party individuals and legal entities, service provider companies and authorities, business partners, banks, our company’s shareholders, our group companies and subsidiaries, suppliers, and support service providers for the purposes stated in Article 3 of this Information Notice.

  1. 5-Methods of Collecting Personal Data and Legal Grounds

JOKER OFIS is collected, stored, and processed based on the legal grounds stated in Articles 5, 6, and 8 of the Law, and the purposes listed above, from you, third parties, and legal authorities, through the internet, phone, email, physical, written, verbal, and electronic media. The legal grounds for collecting, storing, and processing your personal data include:

  • ●Obtaining explicit consent,
  • ●Explicitly provided for in the relevant legislation applicable to our Company, including the Tax Procedure Law, the Turkish Civil Code, and the Turkish Commercial Code,
  • ●Ensuring compliance with principles and standards regarding the recognition of customers at national and international levels, and compliance with obligations of information storage, reporting, and disclosure prescribed by legislation and official authorities,
  • ●Necessity for the establishment, performance, or execution of a contract, provided that it is directly related to the parties of the contract,
  • ●Obligation to fulfill a legal requirement,
  • ●Personal data is publicly disclosed by the data subject,
  • ●Necessity for the establishment, exercise, or protection of any right,
  • ●Necessity for the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject. Special category personal data are collected, stored, and processed based on the legal grounds mentioned below:
  • ●Obtaining explicit consent,
  • ●Health-related personal data, except for health data, without requiring explicit consent in cases provided by laws,
  • ●Health-related personal data can be processed without explicit consent only by persons or authorized institutions and organizations under the obligation of confidentiality for the purpose of protecting public health, practicing preventive medicine, performing medical diagnosis, treatment, and care services, planning and managing health services and their financing.
  1. 6-Rights of the Data Subject Whose Personal Data is Processed According to Article 11 of the Law, you have the following rights regarding your personal data:
  • ●Learn whether personal data is being processed,
  • ●Request information about whether personal data has been processed,
  • ●Learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used for their purpose,
  • ●Know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred, whether domestically or abroad,
  • ●Request correction of personal data if it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
  • ●Request the deletion or destruction of personal data in accordance with the conditions set out in the relevant legislation,
  • ●Request notification of the operations performed as a result of the correction, deletion, or destruction of personal data to third parties to whom personal data have been transferred,
  • ●Object to the occurrence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • ●Request compensation for the damages suffered due to the illegal processing of personal data.

You can use the attached document for your applications. Click for the document!